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Quintessence Modern Implant Dentistry

  • Course Curriculum BONUS Weekend #9

  • Use of PRF in Facial Esthetics

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Dear esteemed Colleague,

Congratulations, you've made it through the implant program! As a sign of good faith, having completed the Quintessence Modern Implant Dentistry Curriculum, Dr. Miron and his team cordially invite any of you to take his PRF Facial Esthetics Course FREE of charge. Never underestimate the size of the facial esthetic market – it is now 20 times bigger in terms of billions of dollars with a recurring revenue model. Why not combine all this added new knowledge in implant dentistry with facial esthetics.

This $3495 program covers all basics of facial anatomy, performing basic PRF injections, micro-needling with PRF (vampire facials), and teaches how to inject Bio-Fillers for volume. Based on your locations, 2 options are available, one in Florida and one in California depending on where you reside.

Course Location

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East Coast Course Location

Fort Lauderdale November 20-22, 2025

Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina

1881 SE 17th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

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West Coast Course Location

Newport Beach February 5-7, 2026

Renaissance Newport Beach Hotel

4500 MacArthur Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA, 92660

Course Description

Learn the biology and clinical applications behind utilizing blood derivatives and PRF formulations in facial esthetics from a combined group of leading doctors in the field including:

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Each with their various expertise in the field, the course will highlight the latest advancements in facial esthetics with blood derivatives including sections on

Injection techniques with PRF

Micro-needling techniques with PRF

Create a 100% biological filler (Bio-Filler) that is made from whole blood that lasts 4-6 months and

An overview on the applications of PRF in combination with laser therapy. The course will be taught over a period of 3 days, with the first day geared towards providing the biological background on the use of PRF in regenerative dentistry and facial esthetics (with a section on venipuncture), with the focus of days 2 and 3 on injection and micro-needling techniques using PRF with live demonstrations and live patient practice.

“Increase your skill set in facial aesthetics and dentistry within this 3-day course to optimize your comfort levels for private practice!!!”
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Day 1 Thursday

Dr. Richard Miron

8:30-3:30 - Lunch (12:30 to 1:30)

Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has been widely utilized in regenerative medicine and dentistry primarily owing to its ability to favor wound healing. This course aims to highlight the recent advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates and systematically presents when, where and why specific platelet concentrates may be utilized to further speed wound healing and tissue regeneration for various clinical indications faced in routine daily medical and dental practice. From the lead Editor of Quintessence’s 2021 best-selling textbook titled: “Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin”, Dr. Richard Miron discusses a variety of methods to improve PRF in routine daily practice.

Break 3:30-4:00

Dr. Richard Miron and Marvin Garrido

4:00-5:00 Live Phlebotomy, live sticky bone, live 
Bio-Fillers and live e-PRF membrane demos


  • Learn how to transform PRF membranes from 2 weeks resorption properties to 4 months

  • Provide the biological background and scientific rationale for why platelet concentrates speed wound healing

  • Launch of the Bio-Cool technology

  • Introduce new protocols using horizontal 

  • Provide clinical indications when, where and why to use PRF (membranes and liquid) in regenerative dentistry and facial esthetics

  • Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF

Day 2 Friday

Dr. Richard Miron


Review of trends in facial esthetics. What is the role of the dentist in facial esthetics? How big is the market for dentists?

Marketing the facial esthetic patient. CARE Esthetics

Photography in facial esthetics. A simple step by step guideline for accurate patient recording and documentation

Micro-needling in facial esthetics

Lasers in Facial Esthetics

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Geir Harvard

11:00-12:00 Facial creams in Facial Esthetics

Lunch 12:00 to 1:00


Dr. Catherine Davies

1:00-1:45 An introduction to facial anatomy and 
facial esthetics.


Dr. Catherine Davies

1:45-2:45 Basic injection techniques for tomorrow morning

Break 2:45-3:15

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Live Demos by Dr. Miron and Dr. Davies


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Day 3 Saturday

Day 3 is entirely clinical and practical based

(no lectures – wear scrubs)

Doctors and accompanying staff will be divided into 7 groups and rotate through instructors.

Each doctor will participate in live demos and patient practice as follows (in various orders):

Microneedling with PRF (Dr. Cristina, Dr. Ceccacci, Dr. Miron, Marvin, Lauren and Jeannie)

Hair regrowth with PRF (Dr. Davies)

Bio-Heat and Bio-Filler Injections (Dr. Cornehl, Dr. Hernandez)

Lip injections with PRF (Dr. Love)

Importance of Facial Creams in Facial Esthetics (Geir Harvard)

Photobiomodulation in facial esthetics with the ATP38 (Dr. Bedir)

Photography in Facial Esthetics (Walt Rozier)

The course usually concludes at 3:30pm.

What an exciting way to finish out the semester. Assistants may come as well and learn how to perform phlebotomy, how to spin PRF, how to micro-needle with PRF, and how to prepare Bio-Fillers for doctors as well at a half price normal admission rate.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity FREE of charge to you post-implant course!

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