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Soft Tissue Grafting Techniques for Teeth and Implants


Lecture Outlines

Biomaterials and PRF in Advanced Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration

This lecture is designed for the clinician that currently utilized PRF in everyday practice, but also introduce advancements in biomaterial development with respect to bone grafts and membranes. It also focuses on the use and properties of PRF, and other growth factors used throughout the course such as Emdogain.

Hard Tissue Augmentation

This lecture is designed to take clinicians into the world of bone grafting as well as whereby extended-PRF membranes can replace collagen membranes created using the Bio-Heat Technology including its various clinical applications.

Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, CTGs and Intrabony Defects

The better understanding of the biology combined with improved surgical techniques yielded to clinical concepts enabling predictable treatment outcomes in intrabony and furcation defects. Recently, the use of biological active molecules such as enamel matrix proteins in conjunction with innovative surgical techniques such as the Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) with or without connective tissue grafts or collagen matrices has been proven a predictable technique to treat single and multiple gingival recessions and to correct various types of soft tissue defects around teeth and dental implants, improve tissue thickness and avoid scar tissue formation. Presentation of clinical cases, schematic drawings and video presentations will demonstrate the clinical applications of various techniques to achieve periodontal regeneration and improve esthetic outcomes.


May 2 - 4, 2025

Nova, OH

Course Outline

Day 1

8:30- 12:30 Dr. Miron - Biomaterials and PRF in Advanced Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration with Dr. Miron

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-4:00 Dr Estrin - Hard Tissue Augmentation with PRF

4:00-4:15 Break

4:15-5:15 Dr. Estrin - StellaLife and the Use of e-PRF for Recession Coverage

 Day 2 

8:30-12:30 Dr. Sculean - Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, and Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Management

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-5:30 Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of equal participants in each group. Groups will rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in each of these 3 groups fully. Each participant will also receive 1 pig mandible for each procedure (3 pig jaws total). Many hands-on exercises will be performed over these 1.5 days.

The 3 groups will be divided as follows:

  • Soft Tissue Grafting, Tunneling Techniques, CTGs and Intrabony Defects

  • Use of e-PRF in GBR and Implant Dentistry

  • Use of e-PRF for Extraction Site Management and Recession Coverage

Day 3:

8:30-12:30 Continuation of Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of 32 members for each group. Groups will continue to rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours.

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-5:30 Continuation of Hands-on: Groups will be divided into 3 hands-on sessions of 32 members for each group. Groups will continue to rotate from one group to the next every 4 hours.

Course Objectives

  • To learn the most advanced developments in PRF therapy over the past 5 years and its clinical applications

  • To manually practice and fabricate extended-PRF membranes and Bio-Bone protocols

  • To utilize the technology of extended-PRF membranes for socket grafting, GBR procedures and Sinus Grafting

  • To teach the optimal flap design and suturing techniques with leaders in the field

  • To present treatment concepts aiming to predictably obtain peri-implant tissue stability

  • To describe the clinical indications for when to utilize each regenerative modality in various clinical settings. 

  • Learn in hands-on models how to perform hard tissue grafting around implants both prior to and in conjunction with implant therapy

  • How to perform soft tissue grafting around implants both prior to and in conjunction with implant therapy


 Practical Part: Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Phlebotomy concepts to speed blood draws and maximize PRF

  • Suturing techniques for extraction site management using e-PRF

  • Suturing techniques for coronal flap advancement and fixation

 Practical Part: Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Hands-on use of extended-PRF membranes with bone grafts (Bio-Bone protocol) and its use in GBR procedures

  • Suturing techniques for GBR, sinus grafting and complex extraction site management

  • Suturing techniques and suturing materials for predictable flap closure

 Practical Part: Exercises on Animal Models (pig mandibles)

  • Treatment of an intrabony and peri-implant defects using bone grafting material and collagen membrane with or without biologic agents

  • Papilla preservation techniques and single buccal flap to maximize the outcomes

  • Advanced coverage of soft tissue defects around implants

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Dr. Richard Miron

Dr. Richard Miron is currently lead educator and researcher at Advanced PRF Education and an Adjunct Visiting Faculty in the department of Periodontology in Bern, Switzerland where he completed his PhD studies since 2009. He has currently published over 300 peer-reviewed articles and lectures internationally on many topics relating to growth factors, bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration. For the past 5 years, Dr. Miron has been recognized by Dentistry Today as being one of the top 100 CE providers in the country and the youngest to ever make the list. He is also the top ranked researcher on Platelet-Rich Fibrin therapy as per Expertscape independent review.

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Dr. Nathan Estrin

Dr. Nathan Estrin received his bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Indiana University followed by completing his D.M.D. degree at LECOM school of Dental Medicine in Florida. Dr Estrin further specialized in Periodontology at Stony Brook University, New York, where he not only enjoyed his 3-year residency program specialized in implants and periodontal regenerative therapy but also developed a passion for research and contributing to the field. During his residency training, he published numerous articles related to implant dentistry, peri-implantitis and has contributed key research articles and book chapters related to the use of lasers in periodontology/implant dentistry. Today, Dr Estrin is a board-certified periodontist working in private practice in Sarasota Florida yet maintains a strong interest in continuing his research and teaching endeavors despite being a full-time clinician. In 2023, his groundbreaking research utilizing the extended-PRF membranes were recognized as some of the most novel publications in the field of autologous platelet concentrates and he was awarded the distinguished scientist of the year award recognized by Advanced PRF Education. In 2024, Dr Estrin was asked to contribute to several articles in Periodontology 2000; the number 1 ranking dental journal, for contributions related to his use of extended-PRF membranes, as well as findings related to the use of PRF for intrabony/furcation defects. Furthermore, he contributed as first author a series of articles in Periodontology 2000 on the groundbreaking use of exosomes in regenerative dentistry and medicine. Today Dr. Estrin remain an adjunct faculty at LECOM School of dental medicine and a lead educator for PRFedu where he enjoys helping offices learn key features to more recent technologies including PRF, Lasers, exosomes and their incorporation in modern implant dentistry and periodontal therapy.


Dr. Anton Sculean

Anton Sculean is professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Executive Director of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Berne, Switzerland. Professor Sculean has been a recipient of many research awards. He received honorary doctorates (Dr. h.c.) from the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary and from the Victor Babes University in Timisoara, Romania and has authored more than 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 30 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 450 lectures at national and international meetings.
Professor Sculean serves on the editorial board of more than 12 dental journals, among others Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Journal of Periodontal Research and Clinical Advances in Periodontics and is Associate Editor of Quintessence International, Clinical Oral Investigations, Section Editor of BMC Oral Health and Editor in Chief of Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry.  Professor Sculean served from 2009-2010 as president of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, is past president of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). He is board member of the Osteology Foundation and of the Workshop Committee of the EFP.

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