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In Office

Dear colleagues,

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Nevertheless, nothing is like placing your own and very first dental implant in private practice. For these reasons, many implant training programs do one of the following:

You simply don’t ever place implants into real patients

You travel to a foreign country and slam a series of 10-12 implants over 3 days but never really get to follow or track their outcomes

Dear colleagues,

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The course curriculum has been about as extensive from a knowledge base perspective as possible. Furthermore, we have had advanced model training with real implants and helping hands from staff.

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Nevertheless, nothing is like placing your own and very first dental implant in private practice. For these reasons, many implant training programs do one of the following:

  1. You simply don’t ever place implants into real patients

  2. You travel to a foreign country and slam a series of 10-12 implants over 3 days but never really get to follow or track their outcomes

  3. You’re part of an implant curriculum that might include the placement of 1-2 implants, you bring your patients to the course and place 1-2 implants with 12 other people that day.

None of these options are quite ideal…

What we’ve created here is the ability from one of our expert specialists to travel directly to your office and shadow you while you place a series of 4-8 implants under your own roof. How can it get any better than that!

In fact, we recommend you charge your patients normal full fees, after all, it’s not only you in the room but you have 2 specialists, you and Dr. Nathan Estrin. This will give you the confidence to both 1) feel comfortable in your decision making and step by steps with your own staff and your own implant system and 2) be able to actually make money that day while you place those implants!

Dr. Nathan Estrin

​​Dr. Nathan Estrin is a Periodontist trained under Dr. Romanos with over 20 publications and 2 book chapters in the field of regenerative dentistry and implantology. Dr. Nathan Estrin has spent the past few year training with Dr. Miron at Lakewood Ranch Dental in Sarasota, FL learning to excel at many areas of implant dentistry and ready to share his valuable knowledge with participants of the course should they so choose.

​Typically most days in office, Dr. Estrin will bill with the treating dentist over 10k in production!

Dr. Estrin will also tailor the program to your level of in-house implant treatment!! Anything from beginner to Advanced. Furthermore, you’ll have someone you can reach out to in the coming months to answer questions for you and help you along your implant journey.

How it works

  • Dr. Estrin will fly to your office for either 1 or 2 days the night before and be ready to go in the early morning. The fee includes all of Dr Estrin flight costs and hotel costs for 1 day with an optional 2nd day of live training available at an additional cost.

  • The next day, Dr. Estrin will spend an entire morning with your office going over techniques and background with an afternoon of supervising and assisting with patient care. You should easily aim to place 3-4 implants each day he is there and bill over 10k in production to make the overall day profitable for your practice.

  • For those that really want a great bang for their back, Dr Estrin will stay a second day performing more advanced treatments such as additional dental implant surgeries but also sinus grafting, GBR procedures or complex extraction sites without buccal/lingual plates for an additions $2500. Once again, it is expect you will bill over $10k this second day!

Once your office signs up, you will receive Dr. Estrin’s contact and a specific date and time will be organized according to both your schedules. Additionally, desired protocols and training can be discussed. The course is fully refundable. We are entirely convinced this will be an added practice booster and an exceptional training experience for clinicians at all levels of implant dentistry, but most importantly for the newbie lacking a bit of confidence to make it all happen!

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Don’t stress it, we are here for you

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